Consultation Liaison


  1. Knowledge: 

1.1 Proficient knowledge of delirium, psychiatric illness secondary to medical/surgical illness and end of life care. Working knowledge of somatoform disorders. 

1.2 Appreciates normal and abnormal psychological adaptation to physical illness including the influence of personality. 

1.3 Appreciates and manages the impact of substance use/abuse on medical/surgical circumstances. 

1.4 Demonstrates capacity to tailor psychopharmacology to medical/surgical patients. 

1.5 Appreciates the impact of cultural, gender, socio-economic status, life stage and age on patient assessment and treatment. 

1.6 Has an introductory knowledge of relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices. 

1.7 Understands and can apply laws and acts related to Mental Health, Health Care.

1.8 Substitution Decision, and rules of confidentiality to the care of the medical/surgical patient. 

  1. Clinical Skills: 

Establishes and maintains rapport and an effective working relationship with medical/surgical patients and their treatment teams. 

2.1 Conducts and organizes an appropriate psychiatric assessment of medical/surgical patients including attention to barriers to communication. 

2.2 Integrates medical /surgical characteristics into the bio-psycho-social understanding and management of medical/surgical patients. 

2.3 Utilizes psychotherapeutic principles to help patients with their adaptation to illness and treatment. 

2.4 Assesses suitability for, and prescribes appropriate psychopharmacological treatment in the context of medical/surgical illness. 

2.5 Manages own reaction to medical/surgical patients, and helps other staff manage their reactions. 


  1. Listens effectively to the medical/surgical patient and their family members. Uses language appropriate to the patient’s educational level , culture, etc. 
  2. Conveys pertinent information and opinions to medical colleagues in a timely, efficient and effective manner, in both verbal and written formats. 


  1. Consults effectively with other health care team members, including non-psychiatric MD’s, RN’s, Social Workers, and Psychologists, recognizing their roles and responsibilities. 
  2. Can participate effectively and respectfully in a “collaborative care” model with other health care providers in the management of a patient’s psychiatric or behavioral issues. 
  3. Contributes effectively to the interdisciplinary management of the medical/surgical patient. 
  4. Is able and willing to teach and learn from colleagues/students and/or other health care professionals, within the context of a clinical care team. 
  5. Is able to address interpersonal conflict in patient care, utilizing negotiation skills, to arrive at a workable endpoint. 


  1. Time: is able to effectively prioritize clinical, educational and personal demands in order to provide safe and effective care, and maintain a sustainable practice. 
  2. Resources: Addresses human and hospital resources issues, such as social work, sitters, need for transfer, and scope of practice of other staff, with consideration of cost appropriateness. 
  3. Coordinates the efforts of the consultation-liaison treatment team including, when appropriate, the triaging and allocation of incoming referrals. 


  1. Identifies and addresses stigma affecting the medical/surgical patient with psychiatric illness. 
  2. Advocates for the patient within the context of the treatment setting, and with respect to access to services. 
  3. Identifies and understands the determinants of physical and mental health affecting medical/surgical patients individually or as a group, and recognizes and responds to those issues where advocacy is appropriate for the patient or their community. 


  1. Critically appraises medical information. Seeks out and successfully integrates information from a variety of sources in the management of medical/surgical patients. 
  2. Facilitates the learning of patients, students, residents, and other health professionals on the CL and medical/surgical team through guidance, teaching, and constructive feedback. 


  1. Demonstrates accountability, integrity, honesty, compassion, and respect for diversity within the context of CL practice. Interacts with colleagues and other health care professionals in an honest and respectful manner with the context of CL practice. 
  2. Fulfills the medical, legal and professional obligations of a psychiatrist. Notably, completes consults and reports in a timely manner. 
  3. Demonstrates responsibility, dependability, self-direction, and punctuality. 
  4. Accepts and constructively utilizes feedback.